Journey To Personal Development: How Do I See Different Results?

Lynette Ndururi
5 min readApr 18, 2022

You are destined to become the person you decide to be.

Have you ever felt lost? Like you are running so fast, forward, then you find yourself back at the beginning of the race?

The stage of living without truly knowing yourself feels like those movies where a similar event keeps repeating itself until you figure out what happened.

As a millennial or any other person of the current age, there is pressure to fit in and be like everyone else. There’s that desire of seeming “normal”, and like you have everything under control. However, the frustration that hits you because things are not working out behind closed doors and the same cycles repeating themselves is heartbreaking.

If you desire different things to happen, then you must be ready to be on the journey. Not a fast one, not one you can complete, but something that is noticeably progressive.

Life favors those who know themselves. You cannot always get what you want by luck. You must know what to do, how to do it, and put measures to get things done. And how can you do this? It is only through a journey of discovering yourself, that simply has endless possibilities.

Everyone wants to become better, but most people have found themselves to be stagnant, not knowing what to do. If you are having issues actualizing your dreams or moving forward in your life, do not fret! Here are some tips that can help you improve your personal development.

1. Accept where you are.

Accepting who you are and the situation you are in, saves you from a lot of unnecessary problems.

Most times, you know where you need to improve, but you choose to console yourself rather, that it is not as bad as it seems.

A situation often repeats itself until you master how to handle it. As painful as it is, it is best to evaluate and learn from every experience you have in life.

For you to truly move towards personal development, you need to take responsibility for what happens in your life and decide which direction you would rather take.

2. Priorities Change.

Have you ever looked at something you really wanted sometime back, and you wonder, really?!

What you want now, you may not need, in 5 years to come. What you are putting your time in right now has evolved over the years.

It is best to be writing your thoughts and goals, for you to be able to revise them and see what you would do differently. You are 82% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down and look at them often. The habit of writing down your goals can transform your life and turn your dreams and ideas into reality!

Keep your priorities relevant and let them continue to take you where you want to go.

3. Know Thyself.

Some things work for you, some things don’t. Period!

You can’t be a jack of all trades, doing everything everyone tells you can work.

You must take time to analyze yourself, away from the perceptions of the world, or what those around you think you are. Who are you and what do you feel like you were intended to achieve in this world? What do you truly love doing? Do mornings work for you? Are you loud?

All these things are okay, and you can pick it up from there without necessarily having to live an unhappy life.

Fulfillment is the goal even as you develop yourself, and trust me, you don’t want to feel disappointed every time something doesn’t work as it “should”.

Going for what you stand for isn’t always easy, it might even look unwise, however, if you truly want it, go become who you are.

4. Grow your Circle.

Well, I am always having a hard time making new friends, I know there are others like me, out here. (A girl cannot be alone) However, I try.

The people you least expect, set you up and give you opportunities you would have otherwise missed. Always make sincere efforts to intentionally increase your network. Expand your circle of business contacts, and friends. They will put you in a much better place.

Do not close yourself off, become sociable and put yourself in a position to serve others. Look for opportunities that will help build your reputation.

Attend networking conferences with like-minded people. Seek advice from people who are way ahead of you in fields you admire, then keep in contact and occasionally reach out.

And that is how you increase your net worth young people, consistently you will see the results.

5. Never Stop Learning

The world is moving so fast, in fact, it is moving ASAP. One day you are learning to use Facebook, the next, there are already robots working.

So how can you afford to just keep what you know? That makes you easily dispensable. Keep learning and always update your skills.

Thanks to technology there are a lot of online platforms that teach a lot of various stuff. The information is out there, and this is the world telling you that you can become anything.

Know what goes on in the world, what the current state is and how you can position yourself to maximize the opportunities available.

Be diverse and use the internet to improve yourself.

6. Practice Gratitude.

It is great to do everything with intentionality. Things do not just happen overnight, so while everything is happening, be happy. Life is the accumulation of all your experiences, there is no climax, like a time to be happy now. Remember all the good things you have done, how far you have come, and the good things and people you have in your life. When you look back, all those little things are what you get to miss, they create memories for you. Even as you self-develop, take it easy and choose to oversee how you want to live your life. You will attract who you are- if you give out positivity, then more opportunities knock at your door.


Choosing to develop yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself. No one will have your best interest at heart as much as you would, yourself. So choosing to become better will always bring great results to you and those around you. What better way to feel good than seeing yourself surpassing those milestones you have put in place? You cannot give what you don’t have, and the best way to leave an impact on the world is by starting it from within you.

About Lynette Ndururi.

I am an experienced content writer. I enjoy writing, my head always has something! And I love sharing that with you.



Lynette Ndururi

I am enthusiastic about life, and all the things that make us human. I am a creative, my mind always has something, which I believe I can share with the world